Started with 60 seats in the year of 2001-02, the department has always remained on the forefront in producing quality engineers who have brought great laurels to the institute, society, and nation at large. Now the Intake has been increased to 120 in the year of 2011-2012.
The department has a tradition of attracting the topmost merit students at UG from across the state. The department offers excellent infrastructure and resources in the form of knowledgeable faculty, well equipped laboratories and a library having a vast collection of informative books.
It has faculty, PG and research students working in research areas related to cutting edge technologies such as VLSI and Embedded Systems, Communication Networks, Computer vision and Pattern Recognition, Signal Coding and Communication, Power electronics and EMI/EMC, Multidimensional and Multimedia Signal processing and Optical devices.
Moreover, the department is involved in a number of technical and co-curricular activities encouraging students to broaden their horizons of thought, innovate and implement their ideas. Also, it maintains a great support with industries and R&D organizations.
Program | Duration | Intake |
B.Tech – Electronics & Computer Engineering | 4 Years | 120 |
B.Tech Electronics and Tele-Communication | 4 Years | 60 |
M.Tech Electronics and Tele-Communication | 2 Years | 18 |
M .Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 2 Years | 12 |
Dear Students,
Started with 60 seats in the year of 2001-02, the department has always remained on the forefront in producing quality engineers who have brought great laurels to the institute, society, and nation at large. Now the Intake has been increased to 120 in the year of 2011-2012.
The department has a tradition of attracting the topmost merit students at UG from across the state. The department offers excellent infrastructure and resources in the form of knowledgeable faculty, well equipped laboratories and a library having a vast collection of informative books.
It has faculty, PG and research students working in research areas related to cutting edge technologies such as VLSI and Embedded Systems, Communication Networks, Computer vision and Pattern Recognition, Signal Coding and Communication, Power electronics and EMI/EMC, Multidimensional and Multimedia Signal processing and Optical devices.
Moreover, the department is involved in a number of technical and co-curricular activities encouraging students to broaden their horizons of thought, innovate and implement their ideas. Also, it maintains a great support with industries and R&D organizations
Dr. Shilpa J. Nandedkar
Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad
Phone: 0240 2375250
Mon – Sat 10:15A.M. – 5:15P.M
- To develop the department into a full-fledged centre of learning in the various fields of Electronics and Telecommunication keeping in view the latest development and making students technologically superior and ethically strong.

- To impart education and training in the field of electronics and telecommunication engineering and its allied areas by developing competencies of the students to meet social and industrial needs.
electronics and computer engineering
Program Outcomes
Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
-Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural science and engineering sciences.
Design & Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural ,societal and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate Effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-Long Learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PEO 1:
Graduates will demonstrate professional engineering competencies.
PEO 2:
Graduates will apply engineering and science knowledge to solve technical problems with high ethical standards.
Graduates will have effective communication skills.
PEO 4:
Graduates will demonstrate leadership, teamwork in their profession and adapt to current trends by engaging lifelong learning.
Apply knowledge and principle of mathematics, physics, discrete mathematics in support of Electronics and telecommunication.
Design and analyse electronics systems and implement them in the development of specialized areas such as telecommunications, signal processing, VLSI and embedded systems etc
Handle latest hardware and software tools and develop real time applications related to specialized areas of electronics engineering.
Prajakta Prakash Nalgirkar
Assistant Professor
Department Achievements
1. Dr. Abhilasha D. Mishra- Regional Coordinator of Virtual Lab Regional Centre of Marathwada Region RCID 03 from Jan 2017 till date
- IEEE Antenna & Propagation Society AP-S Reviewer
- Executive Member of IETE Aurangabad Centre May 2022.
- Founder Member of IEEE WAMS (Wireless, Antenna & Microwave Symposium)
- Best paper session award in 3rd International conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (IEEE-ESCI-2021) organized by AISSMS Pune during 5th -7th March 2021.
- P.h.D. awarded – Feb 2022
Student Achievements
Academic Year: 2021-22Sr. No. | Name of Activity | Activity Organized by |
1 | Selected in CSR Pentagon Space for Python full Stack Developer Course | CSR Pentagon Space |
2 | Participation in Quiz Contest | Election Commission of India |
3 | Inter-district cricket competition | Chikalthana Premier League |
4 | Completion of the Special project for Library Automation | MIT Aurangabad |
5 | Intercollegiate Cricket competition | MIT Aurangabad |
Sr. No. | Name of Activity | Activity Organized by | Name of Student(s) participated | Class | Prizes/Awards/Recognitions achieved/Remarks |
1 | GIZ -MASSIA Industry project | GIZ -MASSIA | Mr.Shubhum Jangi & Madhav kulkarni | TY | Rs. 30,000 |
2 | Mobile Making Comptition | MIT(T), Aurangabad | Mr Nilesh Wahule | TY | Mobile Making and IOT Workshop winer |
3 | Mobile Making Comptition | MIT(T), Aurangabad | Mr. Shantikumar Sovitkar | B.TECH | Mobile Making and IOT Workshop winer |
4 | Energy and Mobility for Future | KPIT, Sparkle 2019 | Mr. Sheyash Lankepillewar | TY | Energy and Mobility for Future |
5 | Avishkar 2018 | Gondwana University, Gadchiroli | Mr. Sheyash Lankepillewar | B.TECH Avishkar 2018 winner | Avishkar 2018 winner |
6 | Avishkar 2018 | Gondwana University, Gadchiroli | Mr. Sachin Kangane | B.TECH | Avishkar 2018 winner |
7 | Avishkar 2018 | Dr. BAMU, Aurangabad | Mr. Sheyash Lankepillewar | B.TECH | Avishkar 2018 winner |
8 | Avishkar 2018 | Dr. BAMU, Aurangabad | Mr. Sachin Kangane | B.TECH | Avishkar 2018 winner |
9 | GIZ -MASSIA | GIZ -MASSIA | Mr.Shubhum Jangi &.Madhav kulkarni | TY | 30,000 INR |
10 | Mobile Making and IOT Workshop | MIT(T), Aurangabad | Mr Nilesh Wahule | Mobile Making and IOT Workshop winer |
11 | Mobile Making and IOT Workshop | MIT(T), Aurangabad | Mr. Shantikumar Sovitkar | B.TECH | Mobile Making and IOT Workshop Winer |
Academic Year: 2021-22
Sr. No | Name of Event | Event Organized by | Nature of the event | Class Parti |
1 | Expert talk on Process of Innovation Development and Technology Readiness Level & Commercialization of Labs and Tech – Transfer by Dr.Suhas S. Gajre Dean Procurement and Incubation at SGGSIET, Nanded, | Dr. Abhilasha Mishra | Expert Talk | SY,TY and |
2 | Webinar on “ Role of Disruptive Technologies in Future Warfare” by Lt. General Dr.R.S.Panwar (IIT Mumbai). | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra Mr. R.L.Gaike | Webinar | State Level |
3 | Career Opportunities in Defense by Col, Anil Deshpande Indian Army | Mrs. S. J. Nandedkar | Webinar | SY, TY, BTech |
4 | Conducted the Event Technomind 2K21 | Mr. R.L.Gaike | Paper Presentation | National L |
5 | Conducted the Event Technomind 2K21 | Mr. R.L.Gaike | Paper Presentation | National L |
Academic Year: 2020-21
Sr. No | Name of Event | Event Organized by | Nature of the event | Class Parti |
1 | Smart City Mission and its Scope by Sneha Nair Smart city Aurangabad | Mrs. S. J. Nandedkar | Webinar | Third Year |
2 | Atmanirbhar Bharat: vocal for local make for the world. | Mrs. S. J. Nandedkar Mrs. S.D. Sanap | Panel Discussion | SY, TY, BTech |
3 | Expert Talk on job opportunities in Computer Networks and Security by Mr.Amol Hattekar Manager in Service Assurance TCL, Pune | Mrs.S.D.Sanap | Expert talk | B.Tech Final |
4 | Organized a two days webinar on Antenna Concepts for Biomedical Applications using CST Studio Suite 2020.06 | Association with MIT(T), CST Studio, MCOE, Nashik & Jyoti Electronics, Ahemdabad. | Webinar Series. | Teachers and students across the country |
5 | Online Quiz Contest : Conducted “GATE@Aptitude” the online aptitude test during lock down through google | Mr.R.L.Gaike | Online Quiz Contest | B.Tech (ETC) |
6 | Two weeks Online Faculty Development Programme on Effective use of ICT Tools in Teaching-Learning | Dr.G.S.Sable | FDP | Faculty Members |
7 | International Technical Symposium on “opportunities& challenges in Industry 4.0 | Dr.G.S.Sable | International Technical Symposium | Faculty Members/Research Scholar |
Academic Year: 2019-20
Sr. No | Name of Event | Event Organized by | Nature of the event | Class Parti |
1 | Webinar on Antenna and its Applications by Anirudha kulkarni RF Lab Pune | Mrs. S. J. Nandedkar | Webinar | BTech |
2 | Expert Talk on Smart City by Sneha Nair Smart city office Aurangabad | Mrs. S. J. Nandedkar | Expert Talk | Third Year |
3 | Guest lecture: GATE awareness conducted by Paresh Gugale I2E Aurangabad. | Mr.R.L.Gaike | Guest lecture | TY(ETC) |
4 | A talk on Start up to Start by MIT Alumni Mr. Abhishek Mali & Mr. Kaustubh Jadhav Aurangabad | Dr. Abhilasha Mishra | Expert Talk | SY, TY, BTech |
5 | Industrial Visit at Mhaismal | Ms.P.P.Patil and Ms.K.Khandagle | Industrial Visit | SY ETC |
6 | Organized a workshop on Amazon Alexa by Hannan Satopay, Bombay in association with IEEE Bombay Section, | Dr. Abhilasha Mishra, EDC Cell, IEEE SB MIT Aurangabad | Workshop | Students |
7 | Poster Presentation Competition on Radiation Hazards | Mrs. S. J. Nandedkar | Poster Presentation | SY, TY, BTech |
8 | Campus Placemenet Preparation” Mr.Pritesh Vyas, Director, IMS, Aurangabad | Dr.V.R.Gosavi | Training | TY ETC |
9 | Expert Talk on ” Positive Attitude ” Er. Sachin Lomte, Associate Professor and Head BSH, MIT, Aurangabad | Dr.V.R.Gosavi | Expert Talk | TY ETC |
10 | Expert Talk on ” Engineering and Employability in the Current Global Scenario Challenges and Opportunities” Mr.Mandar Samvatsar, Director, ACE Techno Services, Aurangabad | Dr.V.R.Gosavi | Expert Talk | TY ETC |
11 | Expert Talk on ” Transforming Career Prospects of Young Minds ” Dr. C.S. Padmavat, Director, Fourth Dimensions , Aurangabad | Dr.V.R.Gosavi | Expert Talk | Final & TY ETC |
12 | Workshop on” Communication Networks & Certifications”Mr.Amol Hetterkar , Tata Communication Limited , Pune | Dr.V.R.Gosavi | workshop | B.Tech ETC |
13 | Two days Workshop on ” Soft Skills : -Flying Colours” Mr.K. Sreedhar Rao, Director, KILT, Aurangabad | Dr.V.R.Gosavi | workshop | SY ETC |
Academic Year: 2018-19
Sr. No | Name of Event | Event Organized by | Nature of the event | Class Parti |
1 | Industrial visit at Sterllite LTD,shendra,Aurangabad | Ms.Khandagle K & Mr.P.D.Bharad | Industrial visit | B.Tech B ETC |
2 | Organized Virtual Lab Boot Camp and Certification Programme in association with IIT Bombay, | Maharashtra Institute of Technology & Marathwada Institute of Technology | Virtual Lab Boot Camp | SY, TY, B. |
3 | GATE Classes in the Campus : Conducted GATE coaching classes in campus sponsored by ICE Auranagabad | Extra Coaching for the Competitive Examination | ||
4 | Expert Talk on ‘Industrial Safety and Health ” by Ram Dahiphale Dy Director of Industries Maharashtra State | Mr. R.L.Gaike | Expert Talk | TY(ETC) |
5 | A Keynote address on Machine Learning and Tensor Flow by Ms. Pratushya Simharaju, EduEng program Coordinator, Google IND & Invited talk by Mr. Sushant Joshi, Software Engineer, Sminq Pune | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra | Keynote Address | SY, TY, B. |
6 | Organized an Invited Talk on “Data Science in AI Neural Network with TensorFlow” by Mr. Shubham Sharma, Data Scientist at Reliance Pvt Ltd | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra | Expert Talk | Dr.Abhilasha |
7 | Organized a Machine Learning Crash Course & Google MLCC Study Jam Aurangabad at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad, in association with Google on Sundays 7,14,21,28 October 2018 | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra | Crash course | SY, TY, BTech |
8 | A two-days workshop on Machine Learning by Mr. Ali Mustafa, powered by Google Crowdsource by IEEE Student Branch of Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad, | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra | Workshop | SY, TY, |
9 | One-week short term training programme on “LabView:Modern Tools and Techniques in Engineering Education” in association with PICT-NI LabView Academy, Pune | Department of Electronics and Telecommunication | One-week short term training programme | Faculty Members/Research Scholar |
Academic Year: 2017-18
Sr. No | Name of Event | Event Organized by | Nature of the event | Class Parti |
1 | Expert talk on “wireless communication” by Dr. Shankar Nawale Principal Nawale College of Engineering Solapur | Ms. Khandagle K. | Workshop | B.Tech ETC |
2 | Mobile making and IOT Mr Yadav Pawan Indian Technology group as part of ITC | Ms. Khandagle K | Two-day workshop | SY, TY, B. |
3 | IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference AEMC 2017, in association with IEEE Kolkata Chapter & PIET Nagpur | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra | International Conference | M. Tech. |
4 | One Day workshop on :”Lab View and Its Application ” Manoj Thakur | Mr.S.B.Biradar | Workshop | SY AND TY |
5 | Expert Talk on “Sensors and Technology” Dr. Sanjay Bhandari is working as CTO and Senior Vice President, mCube , 2570 North first Street Suite 300, san Jose, CA | Mr.V.R.Gosavi | Expert Talk | ETC -TY & |
6 | One-week STTP on “Implementation of IoT using Raspberry Pi and Arduino” in association with Pantech ProEd Pune and Maven Technology Aurangabad | Mr. U. D. Shirale | One week STTP Faculty | Members/Research Scholar |
7 | One week faculty development program on “Outcome based education and NBA Process | Dr. G.S.Sable | One-week short term training programme | Faculty Members |
8 | Conducted seminar on topic” Opportunities through GATE in government jobs, PSUs and IES Preparations” by Mr. Avinash Chate Director ICE Aurangabad | Mr.R.L.Gaike | Seminar | TY(ETC) |
9 | Workshop on ” Electronics Circuit Design with Arduino” by Manoj Thakur Maven Technology Aurangabad | Mr.V.R.Gosavi | Workshop | TY & B.Tech |
10 | Expert Talk on ” Electronics : Designed for Waste “Mr.Ashish Gadhekar, Director, MGM’s IOM, Aurangabad | Mr.V.R.Gosavi | Expert Talk | TY ETC /MECH/CSE |
Sr. No. | Visit Place | Date of Visit | Class |
1 | Tata Communication Limited, Dighi, Pune | 04-Oct-19 | Final Year |
Sr. No. | Visit Place | Date of Visit | Class |
1 | S S Controls, E108, MIDC Waluj, Aurangabad | 06-Aug-18 | Final Year |
2 | Rucha Engineers Pvt. Limited, Plant 3, MIDC Waluj, Aurangabad | 01-Sep-18 | Third Year |
3 | Manu Electricals , Ranjangaon MIDC, Aurangabad | 08-Sep-18 | Third Year |
4 | Tata Communication Limited, Dighi, Pune | 21-Sep-18 | Third Year |
5 | Sterlite Technologies , Shendra /Waluj, Aurangabad | 16-Oct-18 | Final Year |
6 | ISRO, ISAC, BANGLORE | 26 Oct to 1 Nov 2018 | Final Year |
7 | Rucha Engineers Pvt. Limited, Plant 7, L23, MIDC Waluj, Aurangabad | 26-Mar-19 | Final Year |
Sr. No. | Name of Laboratory | Area(Sq Meters) | Approx. Cost (Rs.) |
1 | Research Lab (401) | 65 | 1,44,327/- |
2 | DSP/VLSI Lab (403) | 70 | 9,31,660/- |
3 | Electronics Circuit Lab (404) | 70 | 8,24,310/- |
4 | Basic Electronics Lab (405 B) | 63 | 6,34,965/- |
5 | Power Electronics Lab (406) | 70 | 6,57,589/- |
6 | Switching & Digital Circuit Lab(407) | 75 | 12,37,305/- |
7 | Communication System Lab -I(411) | 75 | 18,56,530/- |
8 | Communication System Lab -II(412) | 75 | 12,75,804/- |
9 | Computer Lab (413) | 70 | 12,46,506/- |
10 | Electronics Workshop Lab(414) | 70 | 5,35,698/- |
11 | PG System Lab(416) | 70 | 4,23,000/- |
Sr. No. | Name of Laboratory | Name of Lab Incharge | Objective of the Lab |
1 | Research Lab (401) | Mr. P. D. Bharad | To improve continuously the research in electronics and telecommunication area and to provide the benefits of this research to the common man. To undertake and facilitate innovation and deployment of solutions. |
2 | DSP/VLSI Lab (403) | Mr. U. D. Shirale | The Lab is equipped with complete set of Hardware and Software to perform VLSI/ DSP experiments. This Lab introduces students to VLSI and DSP design and analysis techniques that are core knowledge for VLSI and DSP engineers, and which serve as solid grounding for advanced level work in VLSI and DSP. This lab aims at supporting these teaching and research activities in the area of VLSI and DSP which are either currently |
3 | Electronics Circuit Lab (404) | Ms. P. P. Patil | The students can study the characteristics of electronic components and measuring instruments. They can analyze the characteristics PN, Zener diode, design rectifiers with and without filters, analyze transistor characteristics, study frequency response of amplifiers, measure frequency, phase of signals. Also study linear and nonlinear applications of Op-Amps. |
4 | Endress Hauser Lab (405 A) | Dr. S. P. Kodgire | To apply the concepts of control and instrumentation with the industrial standard Endress and Hauser equipment so that the students get hands-on training with the original tools used in the industries. To make the students work with their own ideas in the field of instrumentation and control and make them well-trained with all sorts of hardware and software related to - |
Sr. No. | Name of Activity | Paper Title | Title of Journal/Conference | Citation | h-index | i-10index |
1 | Dr.Abhilasha Mishra | Metamaterials: Advancement and Futuristic Design Approach’ Published on Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, published on November 30, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09445-5 Analytical modelling and impact analysis on multichannel symmetric optical and wireless NG-PON2 networks of CD, SPM, XPM and FWM impairments”, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0030402622000055 Design performance and comparative analysis of All-class converged-coexistence NG-PON2 network for 5G-IoT-FTTX-services and application https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2021-0116 Modeling and comparative analysis of all-class converged-coexistence NG-PON2 network for 5G-IoT-FTTX-services and application DOI:https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2020-0299 Analytical modelling and impact analysis on multichannel symmetric optical and wireless NG-PON2 networks of CD, SPM, XPM and FWM impairments”, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0030402622000055 Seven-channel 1 Gbps TWDM coexistence architecture supporting 65 Gbps optical link for next-generation passive optical network 2-based FTTX access networks DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2020-0078 Design and Analysis of Hybrid Optical Distribution Network for Worst-Case Scenario Of E2-Class Symmetric Coexistence 80 Gbps TWDM NG-PON2 Architecture for FTTX Access Networks DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.166168 Exploring the Mineralogy at Lonar Crater with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing https://doi.org/10.1007/s12594-021-1676-4 A review: Devnagri speech to text for Marathwada Region A | Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, published on November 30, 2021 Optik J. for Light and Electron Optics, Volume252, February 2022, De-Gruyter International Journal of Optical Communication published on August 13, 2021 De-Gruyter International Journal of Optical Communication published on April 8, 2021 Optik J. for Light and Electron Optics, Volume252, February 2022, De-Gruyter International Journal of Optical Communication Published on 04 Sep 2020 ELSEVIER Optik J. for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 228, Published on February 2021 Journal of the Geological Society of India, Volume 97, Issue 3, page 261-266, 9th March 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communication | 100 | 6 | 3 |
2 | Dr. G. S. Sable | Lung Nodule Detection from Computed Tomography Images Using Stacked Deep Convolutional Neural Network Radon and Multiwavelet-Based Compact Feature Vector Generation for Gender Identification from Iris An Application of SharePoint in Industry | Intelligent Systems, Technologies and Applications Computing in Engineering and Technology International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2021.1012156 International Journal of Innovative | 231 | 7 | 5 |
3 | Mrs. S. V. Verma | Review on Health Monitoring of Elder Persons Using IoT Rate Measurement Device Using Wireless System A Review- Brain Controlled Wheelchair using EEG headset Brain Controlled Wheelchair using EEG Headset Review on Visible Light Communication for wireless data transmission” | Research in Computer and Communication Engineering DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2021.0911037 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2021.0912006 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, e-ISSN: 2320-9801,Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2021. | 8 | 2 | 0 |
Sr. No. | Name of MOU and Agreement with date | Activities | Beneficiaries |
1 | “Department of CS &IT” of Dr.BA.M.U Aurangabad, on 11/05/2019 | To Share their R&D facilities to promote academic and research interaction | Department of Electronics and Telecommunication from Maharashtra institute of Technology, Aurangabad collaborated through research/training programme at national/International level. |
2 | “ RUSA-Center for advanced sensor Technology” Dr.BA.M.U Aurangabad on 22.4.2019 | To Share their R&D facilities to promote academic and research interaction through practical training at RUSA & MIT. | Department of Electronics and Telecommunication from Maharashtra institute of Technology, Aurangabad collaborated through research/training interaction. |
3 | Value through IT Solutions Pvt Ltd. On 19/9/2018 | Internship/ On- job training Students permitted to do In-plant Training. | Training for students Courses Offered, 1. Digital Marketing 2. Mobile and Cloud 3. Web Designing and many more Students permitted for In-plant Training. |
4 | Indo German Tool Room, Aurangabad on 28/08/2017. | Internship/ On- job training Students permitted to do In-plant Training. | Students permitted for In-plant Training. MIT, Aurangabad and Indo German Tool Room, Aurangabad collaborated through training programme. The primary objective of the training programme is to upgrade the skills & Knowledge of the engineering students during their studies in the area of Embedded System, VLSI, PLC, SCADA, Pneumatics & Hydraulics areas. This programme will be executed impartially imparting quality education & conducting necessary examinations. Successful trainees will be awarded certificates |
5 | Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad on 18/12/2014 | MIT, Aurangabad and Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad collaboratedfor, a. Sponsoring studentprojects. b. Sponsoring eligible employees of Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad for doingM. Tech. c. Sponsoring R&D projects, which may be carried out wholly at MIT, Aurangabad or at premises of Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad or partly at MIT, Aurangabad and partly at Maven TechnologiesPvt. Ltd., Aurangabad d. Training of Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad personnel through Continuing Education Programmes conducted by MIT, Aurangabad in areas of interest to Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad. Any other appropriate mode of interaction agreed upon between MIT, Aurangabad and Maven Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad. |
Section | Name | Action |
Academic Calender | 2020-21 Part-II and Part I | View/Download |
Academic Calender | 2019-20 Part-II and Part -I | View/Download |
Academic Calender | 2018-19 Part-II and Part-I | View/Download |
Time Table | 2021-22 Part -II (SY) | View/Download | Time Table | 2021-22 Part -II (TY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2021-22 Part -II ( Mtech) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2021-22 Part-I (SY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2021-22 Part-I (TY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2021-22 Part-I (Btech ) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2021-22 Part-I (Mtech) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-II ( SY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-II (TY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-II (Mtech) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-I (SY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-I (TY) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-I ( Btech ) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2020-21 Part-I (Mtech) | View/Downloadd |
Time Table | 2019-20 Part -II (SY, TY ) | View/Download |
Time Table | 2019-20 Part-I (SY, TY, Btech ,Mtech) | View/Download |
Syllabus | Final Year | View/Download |
Syllabus | Third Year | View/Download |
Syllabus | Second Year | View/Download |
Syllabus | M.Tech First Year | View/Download |
Syllabus | M,Tech (ETC) Autonomous Syllabus 2021-22 | View/Download |
Syllabus | M,Tech (ETC) PG Autonomous CO PO 2021-22 | View/Download |
Syllabus | SY B,Tech (ETC) Autonomous CO PO 2022-23 | View/Download |
Syllabus | SY B,Tech (ETC) Autonomous Syllabus 2022-23 | View/Download |
E-Magzine | E-REVES vol-VI issue 1 IOB 2021-22 part-1. | View/Download |
E-Magzine | Ereves-vol-VI issue 2 machine learning 2021-22 part 1 | View/Download |
E-Magzine | E Reves vol-IV issue2 Virtual Reality | View/Download |
E-Magzine | E-raves vol IV issue1 Smart_City | View/Download |
E-Magzine | Ereves vol-IV issue 2 Newsletter (1) | View/Download |
E-Magzine | Ereves vol-IV issue 2 Newsletter | View/Download |
E-Magzine | Ereves-vol-III issue 2 AI | View/Downloadd |