Alumni Talk series – “Dil Se

The Alumni Talk series – “Dil Se” is proposed as a unique and engaging initiative within our alumni association aimed at bringing together diverse talents, experiences, and stories from our esteemed alumni community. This idea aims to encourage the sharing of insightful knowledge and experiences with students and faculties, while also celebrating the unique and remarkable qualities of each alumni member.

The primary objective of the Alumni Talk series – “Dil Se” is to create a platform where alumni can showcase their unique talents, accomplishments, and experiences. By doing so, we aim to foster a sense of pride, connection, and mutual inspiration within the alumni community.

Key Features of Alumni Talk series – “Dil Se”:

  • Celebrating Diversity: The activity celebrates the diverse talents and experiences of our alumni, fostering a sense of pride and appreciation for the unique qualities within our community.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Sharing personal and professional stories will inspire and motivate students on campus, creating a positive and supportive network.
  • Strengthening Connections: This community-building platform will strengthen connections and promote a sense of belongingness

Alumni Talk series – “Dil Se” by Dr. Bhushan Lohar

Alumni Talk series – “Dil Se” by Mr. Anshul Jairath