Message from Dean Students Development

MIT provides an ideal setting for all the students to participate in recreational and extracurricular activities. MIT’s core program involving co-curricular activities for students in their whole graduation is meant to provide them a launching pad for these activities. The mandate of the Student Development Office is to coordinate and regulate all aspects of student life at MIT.
The office of Student development handles all matters related to student life, like student participation in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Under student’s development cell various clubs are formed which are running successfully to immerse students into a host of cultural, technical, entrepreneurial, other experiences and activities at MIT.
Co-curricular Clubs:
Book Club, Everyday Math Club, Everyday Science Club, Robotics Club, Aptitude Club, Competitive Club, Soft Skill Club, Automobile Clubs, Technology Serves Clubs, Debate & Public Speaking Club, Quiz Time Club, My City-Future City Club, Coding Club, My Planet Environment Matter Club, Sustainable Engineering Club, etc.
Extracurricular Clubs:
Yoga Club, Green sky Club, Alumni Club, Trekking and Adventure Club, Photography Club, Literature Clubs, Sports Clubs, Astrology Club, SPIC MACAY Club, Women center- Girls Power Club, Speak up – it’s good for you Club, NCC, NSS, Heritage, Health & wellness Club, Foreign Languages Club, Film Club, Art in me Club, News Channel Club, etc.
In addition, this office is looking after Alumni Affairs of this esteemed organization. MIT is proud to have as its alumni a group of thousands of engineers, technologists, scientists, managers and entrepreneurs. The Institute acknowledges and takes immense pride in the role played by our Alumni in the achievements like NAAC, NBA, Autonomous Status by the University Grants Commission (UGC), and many more…
We at MIT, understand and appreciates that all these achievements would not have been possible without your contribution and support. Alumni are the backbone of the institution. We need your support to grow further to become an Institution of Imminence. I invite you to connect with your Alma Mater to help us create the most vibrant MIT alumni community.
Let me make a special mention here and appreciate the role of our alumni for their whole-hearted participation and support in the upbringing of the students on campus of our prestigious institution.
Best wishes,
Dean Student Development
and Alumni Affairs
Dr. BG Toksha
Mr. Amol Patil
Mr. Shailesh Biradar