Message from Dean QA

Dr. Bhakti S. Ahirwadkar
Dean – Quality Assurance
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
It is my pleasure and privilege to share my views from Dean’s chair. It is my honour to welcome you all to the Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Aurangabad. Historically, academic focus in good institutions, particularly in respect of undergraduate education, has been the provision of solid foundation in science and engineering disciplines.
MIT has made a strong pitch for providing innovative and quality education with high standard through the continuous efforts during last four decades standing with the slogan “Quest for Excellence”. The Quality Assurance mechanism implemented at MIT involves all curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the institute that are necessary for nurturing the professional attributes of the students, faculty and other stakeholders. Through a nice blend of structured curriculum, contents beyond syllabus, minor and major projects, the Institute endows students with the ability to apply knowledge of science, mathematics and engineering to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, provide leadership and technical expertise, and practice engineering with ethical and professional approaches and concern for society and environment.
Presently MIT is experiencing the ‘Academic Autonomous’ status. We are accredited with grade ‘A’ by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bengaluru. The Institute has adopted an Outcome-Based Education (OBE), a pedagogical model that places students at the centre of an academic programme. This model is recommended by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Recently, 2 UG programmes, i.e. Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering have been accredited by NBA. In the coming year, many more UG and PG programmes will get NBA accreditation. Institute has in place policies and schemes for Research & Development, Faculty Development, Student Mentoring, Student and Staff welfare, Training and Placement, Incubation, Start-up and Innovation, Administrative and other Procedural matters. This atmosphere empowers staff and students for self-development.
Through Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Institute –
- Organize periodical meetings for faculty and students on quality parameters.
- Obtains feedback of students on teachers, on course (syllabus), and on common facilities.
- Provides support to stimulate research environment, quality publications and innovations.
- Arrange periodic assessment through various feedbacks from stakeholders.
- Encourage quality in organizing seminars, workshops, FDPs, Induction programmes
- Facilitate the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education.
- Adopt technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
- Provide framework for audit of all academic and administrative tasks of the Institute.
- Develop quality culture in the Institute.
Thank you for visiting us.