The Department of Mechanical Engineering came into being in the year 2001 and the first batch of Mechanical Engineers graduated in the year 2005. At present it offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various facets of Mechanical Engineering.
The department offers Master of Technology courses in Mechanical Engineering from the year 2011. Department has been recognized as Research Center in Mechanical Engineering in the year 2012, under Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. The department has varied laboratories, workshop facilities and a top class research center with modern sophisticated equipment to carry out research in all areas related to Mechanical and Production Engineering. The faculty actively participates in sponsored research and consultancy work and maintains an appreciable rapport with industries.
Dear Students,
Department of Mechanical Engineering strives for increasing the knowledge, enhancing the critical thinking, ability to change information into knowledge, power of analyzing the things technically of each and every individual of ever changing society through students. Department has well qualified and dedicated faculties with well-equipped laboratories.
The faculty aims at putting extra ordinary efforts towards motivating the students in solving actual industrial problems by undertaking various projects, industrial visits and in-plant training. We impart quality engineering education through sound theoretical knowledge, hands on laboratory as well as computational skill and exposure to recent technologies by visiting industries. Our curriculum ensures local relevance with a global outlook. We believe in an education which initiates a sense of lifelong learning, leadership values and appreciation of global issues. I congratulate the team of faculty members and the students for their brilliant and genuine efforts. I wish all the students and faculty a great academic career. Best Wishes!
Dr. A.J. Keche
Head Of Department
Location: Room no : 310 Department of Mechanical Engineering
Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad
Landline no: 0240-2375240
Email- hodmech.mitt@mit.asia
Mon – Sat 10:15A.M. – 5:15P.M.
To be a centre of excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering where the best of teaching, learning and research synergize and serve the society through innovation and excellence in teaching.

To provide world-class under-graduate and graduate education in Mechanical Engineering by imparting quality techno-managerial education and training to meet current and emerging needs of the industry and society at large.
Program Outcomes
Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
-Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural science and engineering sciences.
Design & Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural ,societal and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate Effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-Long Learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PEO 1: Graduates will apply the tools and skills acquired during their undergraduate studies either in advanced studies or as employees in engineering industries.
PEO 2: Graduates of the program will have successful technical and professional career.
PEO 3: Graduates of the program will continue to learn to adopt constantly evolving technology.
PEO 4: Graduates will demonstrate sensitivity towards societal issues.
PSO 1: Ability to design & analyse components & systems for mechanical performance.
PSO 2: Ability to apply and solve the problems of heat power and thermal systems.
PSO 3: Ability to solve real life problems with the exposure to manufacturing industries.
Sr. No. | Name of Coordinator | Event Organised |
01 | Dr. Swamini Chopra | One Day Workshop on “Session on problem solving and ideation |
02 | 2 Mr. M. N. Farooqui | Interaction Seminar on “Art and Science of public communication |
03 | Mr. P. T. Borlepwar, Mr. I.A. Quazi, Mr. P. A. Lad, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni, Dr. Chandan Chaudhary | Two Days workshop on “Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering |
04 | Mr. P. T. Borlepwar and Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | Webinar on “Career Opportunities for Mech. students in Software |
05 | Mr. S. B. Charthankar & Dr. A. T. Autee | Webinar on “Design of Heat Exchangers and its Applications in Corrosive Environment” |
06 | Mr. P. T. Borlepwar & Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | Webinar on “Intellectual property Rights (IPR)” |
07 | Mr. T. P. Kulkarni | Introduction to Seven QC Tools:QCFI |
08 | Dr. Swamini Chopra | Prototype Validation – Converting Protitype into Start-up 2nd Aug. 2021 |
09 | Mr. I.A. Quazi | Data Science for Manufacturing |
10 | Mr. S. B. Charthankar& Dr. A. T. Autee | Career Opportunities in HVAC & R Industries |
11 | Mr. P. T. Borlepwar, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni & Mr. I.A. Quazi | Webinar on E-Vehicles |
12 | Dr. Swamini Chopra | One day workshop on prototype / process design and development |
13 | Mr. S. B. Patil | Enterprenership and Innovation as a Carrer Opportunity |
14 | Dr. Swamini Chopra | One day Workshop on “Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design” |
15 | Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | ANSYS |
16 | Dr. C. D. Kuthe | One day workshop on “Opportunities for Higer Education & Research in Engineering” |
17 | Mr. S. B. Charthankar& Dr. A. T. Autee | 17 Mr. S. B. Charthankar& Dr. A. T. Autee Vital Role of Cooling Load Estimation for integration of HVAC services in Green Building 18th July, 2020 |
18 | Mr. S. B. Charthankar& Dr. A. T. Autee | Green Building VIBHA-A Case Study 18th July, 2020 |
19 | Mr. S. B. Charthankar& Dr. A. T. Autee | Design of Commercial and Industrial Buildings in view of Energy |
20 | Mr. S. B. Charthankar& Dr. A. T. Autee | Energy Conservation Building Code |
21 | Dr. Swamini Chopra & Mr. T. P. Kulkarni | Advances in Materials and Manufacturing |
22 | Mr. T. P. Kulkarni, Mr. I.A. Quazi & Mr. P. A. Lad | Additive Manufacturing |
23 | Mr. T. P. Kulkarni, Mr. I.A. Quazi & Mr. P. A. Lad | Virtual Relatiy and Agumented Reality |
24 | Mr. T. P. Kulkarni & Mr. I.A. Quazi | Journey of Excellence through TPM |
25 | Mr. T. P. Kulkarni, Mr. I.A. Quazi | Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in AI world |
26 | Mr. T. P. Kulkarni, Mr. I.A. Quazi | GATE Preparation and Career Opportunities |
27 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | Workshop on “ATV Design and Manufacturing” “AUTONEX” |
28 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | One day workshop on “Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Training Programs for tribal youths of Dhule and Nandurbar” |
29 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Manufacturing (IndAC-SM) under Academia Partnership Program (IAPP) of Royal Academy of Engineering, London” at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad |
30 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | Two day’s workshops on Industry 4.0, Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT, Aurangabad 2 nd and 3 rd March 2019 |
31 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | One-week refresher Course on Use of ICT for Effective Teaching |
32 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Two days’ Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in association with Marathwada Accelerator for Growth and Incubation Council, CMIA held at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad |
33 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Half Day Workshop on “Cognitive Skills, Design Thinking and Critical Thinking” on through Institution’s Innovation Council at MIT, Aurangabad |
34 | Dr. A. J. Keche | Institute level project competition Techno Mind 2K18, MIT, Aurangabad |
35 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | One day NGO workshop in association with Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), IIT, Bombay held at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad. |
36 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Dr. P. M Ambad Mr. P. T. Borlepwar | One Week Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Education and NBA Process, Aurangabad |
37 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Two days follow-up workshop for Jal Yukta Shivar Assessment under Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan organized in Association with Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad |
38 | Mr. M. N. Farooqui, Mr. A. S. Gore, Mr. Sayyad Irfan | Three days’ workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship Awareness’ in association with Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED |
39 | Mr. M. N. Farooqui | One day skill development programme ‘Mechoplace’ |
40 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Dr. P. M. Ambad | Two days’ workshop on Intellectual Property Rights & Opportunities for Funded Research, MIT, Aurangabad. |
41 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Two days’ workshop by IQAC on Outcome Based Education |
42 | 42 Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. T. P. Kulkarni, Mr. A. S. Gore, Mr. S. B. Patil | Workshop on Employability Enhancement Programme in association with NAANDI Foundation and Mahindra Pride Classroom 18 th September to 14 th October 2017 |
43 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | Workshop on ATV Design and Manufacturing “AUTONEX” |
44 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | One day Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan (UMA) Orientation Workshop for Private Colleges in Association with Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad |
45 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. S. R. Kulkarni | Two-week STTP on Design and Development of Automotive Components in association with Neocent Design and Innovation and Technoledge Infotech Private Limited, New Delhi |
46 | Dr. A. J. Keche, Mr. T. P. Kulkarni | One-week STTP on Use of ICT for Effective Teaching Learning |
47 | Dr. C. D. Kuthe | Six days STTP on Finite Element Methods and Ansys Software |
48 | Dr. A. J. Keche | Six days ANSYS workshop for the mechanical engineering students in association with Element Simulation Academy, Pune. |
49 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | DST sponsored and ISTE approved one-week national level Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Modelling and Simulation” |
50 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Two days’ workshop on “Characterization and Surface Engineering” at MIT, Aurangabad. |
51 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | Two days’ workshop on Science Writing and Journalism at MIT |
52 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | One day workshop on Outcome Based Education at MIT, Aurangabad |
53 | Dr. P. M. Ambad | One day workshop on Outcome Based Education at MIT, Aurangabad |