Basic Science & Humanities

The primary objective of Basic Sciences and Humanities Department is to provide platform and launch pad for all engineering Streams being explored in our institute. Basic Sciences and Humanities Department provides the initial skills and knowledge of all engineering streams to solve various complex engineering problems.
The department offers of courses like Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics I, Engineering Mathematics II, Development of Skills (I), Environment and Ecology in first year academics and, Engineering Mathematics III, Engineering Mathematics IV in second year academics. The faculty members of the department also render their services in conducting higher class courses like Organic Chemistry, Functional core shell Nano composite, introduction to nanotechnology. The department offers excellent infrastructure and resources in the form of highly qualified, knowledgeable and dedicated faculty members. The laboratories in the department are well equipped and able to cater the academia prescribed in the university syllabus. A special facility of “GOLS” is created to facilitate advance learning of soft skills.
The department is involved in a number of technical and co-curricular activities encouraging students to broaden their horizons of thought process, innovate and implement their ideas through the annual events like SciClone.
Dear Students,
I am delighted to share that the institute is making its presence as one of the leading institutes in Maharashtra and across the country. The department of Basic Sciences & Humanities has proven its significance by keeping its objectives in sync with the greater objectives of the institute. We aim at exploring the basic knowledge of science and strengthening the technological inventions of the institute.
Physics, Chemistry, Language Laboratories along with an advanced workshop have been very well established not only to cover complete syllabus but to motivate students to learn beyond the syllabus which develops complete knowledge of the subject. Well-experienced and highly qualified faculty members of the department have made consistent and strenuous efforts for the students to improve their learning and research & development processes. In addition to the primary teaching duties, all of them are engaged in academic publications in National as well as International Journals of repute for professional enrichment. Further from the current academic year the revised syllabus (60-40 pattern) and Engineering Exploration activity is certainly proving beneficial in development of creative and critical thinking of our students.
It has become extremely important for all of us to strive hard to keep pace with the changing scenario, as we observe the dramatic developments in the field of science and technology today. The key to our success depends on the dedication of everyone in all the endeavors with happiness. We need to still work hard to maintain excellence in teaching and research to prepare students to sustain with the trends of higher studies in the core-branches in their succeeding years.
Dr. Prashant Ambad
Dean (Academics and Quality Assurance)
Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities
Dr.Prashant Ambad
Dean (Academics and Quality Assurance)
Location: Room no 301/501,
Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities,
Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad
Landline no: 0242375290
Landline no: 0242375233
Mon – Sat 10:00A.M. – 5:30P.M.
To develop the department as a center of excellence in the field of Emerging Science and technology by imparting knowledge & training to the students for meeting current and emerging needs of the industry & society.

Providing world class education through a well designed curriculum in tune with the demanding needs of industry by providing state of the art facilities and to provide knowledge in the thrust areas of Emerging Science and technology.
Basic sciences and humanities – program outcomes
Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural science and engineering sciences.
Design & Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural ,societal and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate Effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-Long Learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Department Achievement
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Award / Recognition | Organization | Month & Year |
01 | Prof. S. V. Lomte | Secured 91% in Enhancing soft skills and personality- NPTLE Online course | IIT Kharagpur | 02/01/2018 |
02 | Prof. S. V. Lomte | Certificate in mentoring | BhartiyaYuva Shakti Trust, City and Guilds, London | 01/04/2016 |
03 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Stood topper in “IITBombayX: FDP301x Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology” with 83% score | IIT Bombay | 05/07/2018 |
04 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Completed “IITBombayX: ET702x Designing Learner-Centric MOOC” with 89% score | IIT Bombay | 06/09/2018 |
05 | Dr. B. G. Toksha |
Designated staff at IITBombayX as “Discussion forum moderator” for the courses: FDP101x Foundation Program in ICT for Education and FDP201x Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process |
IIT Bombay | 13/10/2018 06/01/2019 |
06 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Awarded Silver certificate for V-Lab development | V-Labs IITB | 11/02/2019 |
07 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Awarded national mentorship at REC Banda, UP | V-Labs IITB | 10/11/2019 |
Events Organized
Sr. No. | Title of Event/ workshop/ STTP/ FDP | Duration (Dates) | Faculty/ Student | Level- institute level/ State Level/ National Level |
01 | One Week Short TermTraining Program on“Use of ICT for effectiveteaching learning process” | 27/06/2017 to 01/07/2017 | Dr B. G. Toksha and Prof T. P. Kulkarni | State |
02 | One week RefresherCourse on “Use of ICTtools for effectiveTeaching Learning” | 08/01/2019 to 12/01/2019 | Dr B.G.Tokshaand ProfT.P.Kulkarni | State |
List of Expert talk/ seminar year wise for last 3 years
Sr. No. | Title seminar/ expert talk | Date | Name Of Speaker |
01 | Lecture Talk for Third Year Students Department of Electronics and Telecommunication and Engineering, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad | 18/02/2019 | Prof. S. V. Lomte |
02 | PDA FY induction programme, Gulbarga | 08/08/2019 | Prof. S. V. Lomte |
Research and Publications
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Details of Conference/ Journal | National/ International |
01 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Auto-ignition synthesis of CoFe 2O 4 with Al 3+ substitution for high frequency applications | Ceramics International | International |
02 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Analysing the impact of MOODLE and its modules on students learning, a case study in Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Engineering Education Transformations | International |
03 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Experimental Study On Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop Using Ferrofluid (Fe3o4) And Magnetic Field In Small Diameter Tube Bends | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | International |
04 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Effect of Magnetic Field on Pressure Drop Using Two-phase Flow in Small Diameter Tubes at Horizontal Orientation | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | International |
05 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Wear Performance Analysis of Cottonseed Oil as a Lubricant with Boric Acid Additive | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science | International |
06 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Tuning Coating Thickness of Iron TetraphenylPorphyrin on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Annealing: Effect on Benzene Sensing Performance | Physica Status Solidi A | International |
07 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | International |
08 | Dr.Leena V. Uttarwar | Identifying the Recurring Pharmacophoric Pattern for TrypanosomaCruzi Inhibitory activity of 6-Nitro-2,3-Dihydroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]Oxazoles | An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal | International |
Conference Publications | ||||
09 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for the Detection of Phenol | proceedings of National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application (MATA-2016) | National |
10 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube based Sensors: Facile Route to Detect Air Pollutant in the Environment | National Conference on ‘Harmony with nature in Context of Bio-resources and Environmental Health (Harmony-2015) | National |
11 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Comparative Performance of Pristine and CoOEP Functionalized SWNT based Methanol Sensor | NCRTMPA- 2014 | National |
12 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Defining a Control Over Porphyrin Functionalized SWNTs based OFETs | National conference on Organic Devices: The Future Ahead (ODeFA-2014) | National |
13 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Sensitive detection of Methyl Ethyl ketone at room temperature | Conference on Upcoming Trends in Chemical Science UTCS-2013 | National |
14 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | medical applications of pulse laser and diagnostics techniques | National |
15 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | National |
16 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Poly-Aniline Carbon Nanotube Composite | NCRTMPA- 2014 | National |
17 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | A Flexible Low Cost Polymeric Platform Immune to Humidity | NANO INDIA -2013 | National |
18 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes: Facile Development of Gas Sensor | ICC 2015 | International |
19 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Inhalation Property of Flexible SWNT-Porphyrin Sensor | International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Chemical Sciences (ICRAMCS-2015) | International |
20 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Porphyrin Functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Chem FETs for Alcohol Detection | International Conference of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (Nano-15) Nanoelectronics and Sensors | International |
21 | Dr.Leena V. Uttarwar | Contribution of Indian Women in environment | Indian Women : Past, Present and Future | National |
22 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Dielectric behavior of Cr substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
23 | A. C. Gurav | Dielectric behavior of Cr substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
24 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Detection of Hydrocarbons and Nitriles by Iron TetraphenylPorphyrin Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes based Sensor | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
25 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
26 | A. C. Gurav | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
27 | P. D. Ghodke | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
28 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | A review on material for wear and friction characteristics | National conference on emerging trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETME-2019) | National |
Name of Organization/ industry | Class | No of Students visited | Date |
Ralegoan Siddhi and HiwareBajar | First year students | 60 | 21st Jan. 2017 |
Farola water treatment plant | First year students | 25 | 20th Jan. 2018 |
M-CIP, MIT, Aurangabad | First year students | 108 | 16th August 2019 |
Research and Publications
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Details of Conference/ Journal | National/ International |
01 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Auto-ignition synthesis of CoFe 2O 4 with Al 3+ substitution for high frequency applications | Ceramics International | International |
02 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Analysing the impact of MOODLE and its modules on students learning, a case study in Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Engineering Education Transformations | International |
03 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Experimental Study On Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop Using Ferrofluid (Fe3o4) And Magnetic Field In Small Diameter Tube Bends | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | International |
04 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Effect of Magnetic Field on Pressure Drop Using Two-phase Flow in Small Diameter Tubes at Horizontal Orientation | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | International |
05 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Wear Performance Analysis of Cottonseed Oil as a Lubricant with Boric Acid Additive | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science | International |
06 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Tuning Coating Thickness of Iron TetraphenylPorphyrin on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Annealing: Effect on Benzene Sensing Performance | Physica Status Solidi A | International |
07 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | International |
08 | Dr.Leena V. Uttarwar | Identifying the Recurring Pharmacophoric Pattern for TrypanosomaCruzi Inhibitory activity of 6-Nitro-2,3-Dihydroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]Oxazoles | An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal | International |
Conference Publications | ||||
09 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for the Detection of Phenol | proceedings of National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application (MATA-2016) | National |
10 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube based Sensors: Facile Route to Detect Air Pollutant in the Environment | National Conference on ‘Harmony with nature in Context of Bio-resources and Environmental Health (Harmony-2015) | National |
11 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Comparative Performance of Pristine and CoOEP Functionalized SWNT based Methanol Sensor | NCRTMPA- 2014 | National |
12 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Defining a Control Over Porphyrin Functionalized SWNTs based OFETs | National conference on Organic Devices: The Future Ahead (ODeFA-2014) | National |
13 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Sensitive detection of Methyl Ethyl ketone at room temperature | Conference on Upcoming Trends in Chemical Science UTCS-2013 | National |
14 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | medical applications of pulse laser and diagnostics techniques | National |
15 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | National |
16 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Poly-Aniline Carbon Nanotube Composite | NCRTMPA- 2014 | National |
17 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | A Flexible Low Cost Polymeric Platform Immune to Humidity | NANO INDIA -2013 | National |
18 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes: Facile Development of Gas Sensor | ICC 2015 | International |
19 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Inhalation Property of Flexible SWNT-Porphyrin Sensor | International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Chemical Sciences (ICRAMCS-2015) | International |
20 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Porphyrin Functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Chem FETs for Alcohol Detection | International Conference of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (Nano-15) Nanoelectronics and Sensors | International |
21 | Dr.Leena V. Uttarwar | Contribution of Indian Women in environment | Indian Women : Past, Present and Future | National |
22 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Dielectric behavior of Cr substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
23 | A. C. Gurav | Dielectric behavior of Cr substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
24 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Detection of Hydrocarbons and Nitriles by Iron TetraphenylPorphyrin Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes based Sensor | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
25 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
26 | A. C. Gurav | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
27 | P. D. Ghodke | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
28 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | A review on material for wear and friction characteristics | National conference on emerging trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETME-2019) | National |
Engineering Physics Laboratory
Name of Lab: Engineering Physics Laboratory.
Purpose of Lab: The Engineering Physics Laboratory aims at providing hands-on-experience to the students on the physical principles which underlie the basics of Engineering and Technology.
Name of Lab In-charge: Mr. Pankaj Dnyanoba Ghodke.
List of Equipments
Sr. No. | Equipment with Specification | Cost (INR) |
01 | Newton’s rings Apparatus | 22958.99 |
02 | Polarimeter Instrument | 13749.75 |
03 | e/m Thomson Tube Apparatus | 16913.25 |
04 | RP of a Telescope | 5674.5 |
05 | Diffraction Grating Setup | 19161 |
06 | P-N Junction Diode Kit | 7420.5 |
07 | Transistor Characteristics | 7420.5 |
08 | Zener Diode Kit | 6219 |
09 | Newton’s rings Apparatus | 9000 |
10 | Polarimeter Instrument | 900 |
11 | He-Ne Laser Set up | 21500 |
12 | Small Bar Magnet | 320 |
13 | Magnetic Compass | 450 |
14 | P-N Junction Diode Kit | 3400 |
15 | Zener Diode Kit | 1700 |
16 | Forbidden Energy Band Kit | 2400 |
17 | Transistor Characteristics | 2700 |
18 | Dielectric Constant Apparatus | 10500 |
19 | Diffraction Grating | 1800 |
20 | Ultrasonic Interferometer Set | 25200 |
21 | Dielectric Constant Apparatus | 10500 |
22 | Zener Diode Kit | 1700 |
23 | Forbidden Energy Band Kit | 2400 |
24 | Transistor Characteristics | 2700 |
25 | Newton’s rings Apparatus | 9900 |
26 | Basic Crystal model | 1200 |
27 | Reverberation Experiment kit | 17000 |
28 | Hall Effect Kit | 32737 |
Total | 2,57,524.49 |
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Name of Lab: Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Purpose of Lab: Engineering Chemistry Laboratory is the place where students realize the chemical reactions studied in the theory. The details of handling skills and safety measures of various chemicals and equipment’s are inculcated in the behavior of students.
Name of Lab In-charge: Dr. L. V. Uttarwar.
List of Equipments
Sr. No. | Equipment with Specification | Quantity | Cost (INR) |
01 | Electronic balance | 1 no | 7000/- |
02 | Muffle Furnace | 1 no | 35,300/- |
03 | Furnace Tong | 1 no | 3,762/- |
04 | Metallurgical Microscope | 3 no | 52,275/- |
05 | Magnetic Stirrer | 3 no | 12,495/- |
06 | Milivoltmeter | 3 no | 892/- |
07 | Micropipette | 1 no | 6,263/- |
08 | Pensky Marten’s flash point | 1 no | 11,000/- |
09 | IP Thermometer | 2 no | 2,000/- |
10 | RedWood Viscometer no.1 | 1 no | 12,000/- |
11 | RedWood Viscometer no.2 | 1 no | 13,000/- |
12 | Receiver Flask (50ml ) | 1 no | 300/- |
13 | pH meter digital | 1 no | 40,568.40/- |
14 | Heating Mental | 2 no | 2,760/- |
Total |
Language Lab
Name of Lab: Language Lab
Purpose of Lab: To enhance the communication, employability skills and soft skills of the students.
Name of Lab In-charge: Mr. Narsing Gawali.
List of Equipments
Sr. No. | Equipment with Specification | Quantity |
01 | Computer systems | 32 |
02 | Audio system | 01 |
03 | LCD Projectors | 01 |
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Details |
01 | 2020-21 | 20-21-staff-list.pdf |
02 | 2019-20 | 19-20-staff-list.pdf |
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Details |
01 | 2021-22 | Roll-call-list-21-22.pdf |
02 | 2020-21 | Roll-call-list-20-21.pdf |
Section | Name | Action |
ACADEMIC CALENDAR | Academic Calendar | File Not Found |
TIME TABLE | FY All Divisions 2019-20 Part II | File Not Found |
FY All Divisions 2019-20 Part I | File Not Found | |
FY All Divisions 2019-20 Part II | File Not Found | |
SYLLABUS | FY Revised (2019-20) Syllabus | File Not Found |
FY Syllabus 2016-17 | File Not Found | |
STUDY MATERIAL, WEB RESOURCES AND CONTENT CREATED BY FACULTY | Engineering Physics Youtube Channel#1- By Dr. B.G. Toksha | File Not Found |
Engineering Physics Youtube Channel#2- By Dr. B.G. Toksha | File Not Found | |
Engineering Mathematics By Mr. Zameer Shaikh | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link Engineering Mathematics By Mr. S.G. Hiwale | File Not Found | |
Google Classroom Engineering Mathematics by Mr. S.G. Hiwale | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link Engineering Physics By Dr. B.G. Toksha | File Not Found | |
Engineering Chemistry YouTube Channel By Prof. A.C. Gurav | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Physics By Dr. B.G. Toksha | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Physics by Dr. Arti Rushi | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Mathematics By Ms. Neeta Gadekar | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Mathematics By Dr. Suhas Patil | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Mathematics By Mr. Shafik Sayyad | File Not Found | |
Google Classroom Engineering Mathematics By Mr. Shafik Sayyad | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Mathematics By Dr. Poonam Bora | File Not Found | |
Moodle Link for Engineering Mathematics By Ms. Sonali Wable | File Not Found | |
LAB MANUALS | Engineering Physics | File Not Found |
Engineering Chemistry | File Not Found | |
Development of Skills II | File Not Found | |
Question Banks | Engineering Mathematics-I | File Not Found |
Engineering Mathematics-II | File Not Found | |
Engineering Mathematics-III | File Not Found | |
Engineering Mathematics-IV | File Not Found | |
Engineering Physics | File Not Found | |
Engineering Chemistry | File Not Found | |
E-MAGAZINES | E-Prathama 2019-20 | File Not Found |
Research and Publications
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Details of Conference/ Journal | National/ International |
01 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Auto-ignition synthesis of CoFe 2O 4 with Al 3+ substitution for high frequency applications | Ceramics International | International |
02 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Analysing the impact of MOODLE and its modules on students learning, a case study in Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Engineering Education Transformations | International |
03 | Dr. B. G. Toksha | Experimental Study On Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop Using Ferrofluid (Fe3o4) And Magnetic Field In Small Diameter Tube Bends | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | International |
04 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Effect of Magnetic Field on Pressure Drop Using Two-phase Flow in Small Diameter Tubes at Horizontal Orientation | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | International |
05 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Wear Performance Analysis of Cottonseed Oil as a Lubricant with Boric Acid Additive | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science | International |
06 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Tuning Coating Thickness of Iron TetraphenylPorphyrin on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Annealing: Effect on Benzene Sensing Performance | Physica Status Solidi A | International |
07 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds Exercising substituents in porphyrins for real time selective sensing of volatile organic compounds | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | International |
08 | Dr.Leena V. Uttarwar | Identifying the Recurring Pharmacophoric Pattern for TrypanosomaCruzi Inhibitory activity of 6-Nitro-2,3-Dihydroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]Oxazoles | An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal | International |
Conference Publications | ||||
09 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for the Detection of Phenol | proceedings of National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application (MATA-2016) | National |
10 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube based Sensors: Facile Route to Detect Air Pollutant in the Environment | National Conference on ‘Harmony with nature in Context of Bio-resources and Environmental Health (Harmony-2015) | National |
11 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Comparative Performance of Pristine and CoOEP Functionalized SWNT based Methanol Sensor | NCRTMPA- 2014 | National |
12 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Defining a Control Over Porphyrin Functionalized SWNTs based OFETs | National conference on Organic Devices: The Future Ahead (ODeFA-2014) | National |
13 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Sensitive detection of Methyl Ethyl ketone at room temperature | Conference on Upcoming Trends in Chemical Science UTCS-2013 | National |
14 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | medical applications of pulse laser and diagnostics techniques | National |
15 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | Electrochemical and morphological Studies of Potentiostatically Grown Poly Pyrrole Films at Various pH Values | National |
16 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Poly-Aniline Carbon Nanotube Composite | NCRTMPA- 2014 | National |
17 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | A Flexible Low Cost Polymeric Platform Immune to Humidity | NANO INDIA -2013 | National |
18 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes: Facile Development of Gas Sensor | ICC 2015 | International |
19 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Inhalation Property of Flexible SWNT-Porphyrin Sensor | International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Chemical Sciences (ICRAMCS-2015) | International |
20 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Porphyrin Functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Chem FETs for Alcohol Detection | International Conference of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (Nano-15) Nanoelectronics and Sensors | International |
21 | Dr.Leena V. Uttarwar | Contribution of Indian Women in environment | Indian Women : Past, Present and Future | National |
22 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | Dielectric behavior of Cr substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
23 | A. C. Gurav | Dielectric behavior of Cr substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
24 | Dr.Arti D. Rushi | Detection of Hydrocarbons and Nitriles by Iron TetraphenylPorphyrin Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes based Sensor | 2nd National Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology and Application [MATA-2019] | National |
25 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
26 | A. C. Gurav | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
27 | P. D. Ghodke | ‘A study on deterioration of Water quality at Godavari River due to Immersion of Deity Idols’ | Two days international conference on Materials and Environmental Science [ICMES 2018] at Shivaji University, Kolhapur | International |
28 | Dr.B. G. Toksha | A review on material for wear and friction characteristics | National conference on emerging trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETME-2019) | National |